It's okay not to be okay - EN

Today I am going to write about a Kdrama that I thought was super different, and as it was one of the first ones I saw, it surprised me a lot in a positive way. By the way, I think it is one of the Kdramas that due to the quality of representation, some scenes were really stuck in my memory, mainly the ones performed by the actress Seo Ye-Ji and the actor Oh Jung-Se.

It's okay not to be okay is a romance story, which turns out to be much more than that, because in a picturesque and funny way it approaches the theme of mental disorders and emotional problems in a super out-of-the-box story.

In short: The story develops around Ko Moon-young, a children's book writer with antisocial personality disorder, and Moon Gang-Tae, an empathetic young man, who works in a psychiatric hospital. Suddenly, their destinies intersect and from then on, a whole plot focused on overcoming emotional problems and personal development, along with Moon Gang-Tae's older brother, emerges.

As I mentioned at the beginning, in terms of acting, I loved the representation of Seo Ye-Ji who plays the protagonist, Ko Moon-young. Her acidic and completely different personality is a breath of fresh air in the stereotype of female characters. Regarding Oh Jung-Se, who plays Moon Gang-Tae's older brother, Moon Sang-Tae, the fact that he has to portray a character who suffers from autism, I think it undoubtedly entails a great responsibility. In my humble opinion, his performance was very good. Kim Soo-Hyun was equally as good, but his character did not stand out as much, so I guess on a representation level I was not as surprised as I was with the two above. I think that inevitably we always end up paying more attention to characters with traits that are more difficult to interpret.

In general, it is a series that I recommend without a doubt. Having that said, the only defect was that it was too long and ended up becoming a little repetitive. I did no't like or dislike the ending either. I do not want to tell you about that, because the whole idea of the blog is to be free of spoilers, but I think the series could have explored other characters a little more and it ended up focusing a lot on the protagonists, which for me became very repetitive. However, I would say that this only has affected how quickly I watched the series. Instead of devouring it in just two or three days, I ended up seeing it more calmly.

In terms of strengths, I would say that it was undoubtedly the main theme, the approach, and the fact that the plot is so different from other series. For more Kdramas like this! As the name of the series indicates, “it's okay not to be okay”, so I think that mental problems and disorders should be more represented and talked about in fiction in order to create more awareness and less taboos.

If you have not seen it yet, check out the first episode and let me know what you think! If you have already seen it, let me know what you think.

Binge-watching level: 7/10

Final: 7/10

Final score: 8/10

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