Love Alarm - EN

To slightly contradict the positive reviews, today I bring you a Kdrama that I do not recommend, but I had to write about it.

First of all, I have to stress the importance of it, since it was the first South Korean Netflix original production. With the success of the series, this led to more productions, in addition to much more content available on Netflix. So even though I did not like it, I think it was a phenomenon in itself and created a wave of attention for South Korean series.

Also, Love Alarm was one of my first Kdramas. It keeps its place on my list because it was effectively the series that led me to watch more Kdramas. As a rule, there are people who start with Crash Landing on You, I started with this one, which despite having left me extremely frustrated, I watched until the end.

The premise is very interesting and I think the story had a lot where it could have been developed, but the narrative became slow and the characters were empty. There were no reasonable motives in the characters’ actions, they simply did things without any sense and many times I was left wondering what had happened. After reading a bit about the author's backstory and goals, I think this is how the series was supposed to be. The idea was to have an artsy vibe and lightly explore the main topics. However, I think it needed more consistency.

In short: The story focuses on Kim Jo-jo, and her interaction with an app that alerts if someone around her likes her. The series explores her discovery of love, but also the impact this application has on society.

From this summary you can see how much this series promised. From heavier topics like the fact that society is tremendously affected by social media to how much such an app could affect real relationships. In the end they touch on all of that, but very lightly. They promised everything and did not deliver what I wanted.

In terms of representation, I honestly can not assess it because the characters were all bland. So I believe that none of the characters did justice to the actors.

Therefore, it is a series that, despite being addictive, leaves the viewer frustrated and in the end we have no justification for the actions of the characters.

So please, if you want to start watching Kdramas start with Crash Landing on You (if you like romance and comedy), Vincenzo (if you like comedy and action) and maybe The Glory (if you like revenge tales). I have way more suggestions, but maybe these are my top 3 for beginners.

Binge-watching level: 6/10

Final: 5/10

Final score: 5/10

And you? Have you watched already? What did you think?

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